Skyscraper Yoga

Yoga For Busy People and Families

Vocal Health during Allergy Season April 5, 2013

Filed under: Body and Spirit,Sound and Music,to eat or not to eat — skyscraperyoga @ 1:58 am
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Posted by  SY.

VOCAL WORKSHOP: Vocal Health during Allergy Season.

vocal workshop

Attention all practitioners- musicians, actors, teachers, public speakers, sport advisors, sales representatives and others: It is allergy season and it’s time to talk about saving your voice.
I love the springtime and summer, but the pollen and various grasses tend to make people stuffy, sneezy, and, eventually, hoarse. Of course, there are consequences for all practitioners including singers and vocal teachers because the pollen in the air and other air impurities can make singing more difficult.

I spent a decade studying about music, art, voice and how to keep your voice healthy. I can tell that being able to overcome the dirty environment is important for good singing, teaching or presenting. This means that during this time of the year, I’m simply putting extra thought and energy into protecting and preserving my voice and I encourage everybody to do the same.
Here are some major things I would recommend to keep the voice during any allergy season:
Nasal Irrigation
This is my #1 tip for anyone dealing with sinus issues. You may have heard of neti pots – yogis all around the world do not neglect its benefits. Use any method you like and do the nasal irrigation every morning year-round, and twice a day during allergy season. It Works. Wonders!

Hot Herbal Tea
I usually choose something with lemon or peppermint, honey, ginger or licorice especially when my throat is sore. The recipe is simple, yet the tea is tasty, delicious and it smells good. From time to time I put anti-inflammatory Turmeric or a mix of pea protein to my morning or afternoon drink.

Food for a Better Voice
Fish, Meat and Almonds all serve as high protein foods that will fuel your body and keep your vocal cords working well. These foods are good for the vocal cords as long as they are organic and not served with heavy spices. Spicy foods will increase acid in the stomach and that acid can rise up through the esophagus and damage the vocal cords.
Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits, such as apples, are good for vocal cords because they are high in protein as well as vitamins A and C. Yellow vegetables are also good for the vocal cords. Most green vegetables should be avoided when preparing for a speech or a performance as they can make you bloated.

Vocal Stretching and Vocal Warm –Up
Being hydrated keeps the vocal cords supple. But after your morning glass of tea you can start stretching your voice by singing (or speaking) one note and holding it for as long as you can before you run out of breath. You can change the notes, or the shape of your mouth to stretch the muscles as well. You can also stretch the range of your voice by singing scales, or by scooping a note from low to high or high to low. Do not overdo this though- the human voice is a sensitive organ. If you are experimenting with no limits you should be responsible for the injury(s) or damage that you created or encouraged. Immediately consult your doctor if you start experiencing negative sensations while producing notes.

Vocal healing and training provides more than just preserving your vocal folds or the removal of some negative sensations in your throat. This is a unique and luxurious opportunity to treat the whole body with the healthy vibrations of sound created by the most precious musical instrument-your own voice.

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